At Ramstein Air Base in Germany, more than 20,000 Afghans are being sheltered for up to two weeks before authorities will send them to supportive communities and countries. Latter-day Saint Charities is distributing blankets, food, baby items (diapers, formula, toys), as well as personal hygiene materials, underwear, shoes and jackets.

A truck delivers blankets from Latter-day Saint Charities to Ramstein Air Base in Germany

Missionaries from the Germany Frankfurt Mission helped prepare emergency food packets for Afghan refugees at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

Members of the Church’s Kaiserslautern German Military Stake spent 2,000 hours preparing emergency food packets for Afghan refugees at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

Volunteers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organize items for Afghan refugees in August 2021

Volunteers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organize items for Afghan refugees in August 2021.

/acp/bc/cp/Europe/Area Images/2021/news/latter-day-saint-charities-afghan-8.jpg

Volunteers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organize items for Afghan refugees in August 2021

Volunteers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organize items for Afghan refugees in August 2021

Volunteers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organize items for Afghan refugees donated by Latter-day Saint Charities

Volunteers at Ramstein Air Base in Germany organize items for Afghan refugees donated by Latter-day Saint Charities

These boxes of sorted donations came into Ramstein Air Base in Germany in August 2021.

Thousands of these refugees will go to Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, USA. From there, they will be sent to live in communities throughout the United States. Latter-day Saint Charities is working with the United States military to provide food, clothing, shoes, diapers and baby formula to the 10,000 refugees expected at Fort McCoy.
As reported earlier in August, Latter-day Saint Charities is giving personal hygiene items, underwear, sandals and toys to refugees at an air base in Qatar. Local Latter-day Saints are distributing these items to families.
Top Image Courtesy of trentinness/
Additional Resources
Afghan Refugees in Qatar Receive Aid